Case study | Introduction of the End-to-End Digital Control TowerOptimization of the Supply Chain in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In a world where efficiency and responsiveness are key, the pharmaceutical industry faces unique challenges in supply chain management. Our recent project with a major pharmaceutical manufacturer is a perfect illustration of our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. Faced with a lack of real-time visibility and insufficient coordination between different production sites, we, at OSICS Network, were tasked with implementing a revolutionary solution: the introduction of an end-to-end digital control tower. This initiative aimed to transform the way information is managed and shared within the company, ensuring faster and more informed decision-making on a daily basis.

Our approach, combining technical expertise and cross-functional collaboration, not only resolved longstanding logistical issues but also laid the groundwork for proactive and efficient supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry.


A major pharmaceutical manufacturer faced significant challenges due to the lack of a real-time overview of production flow. Additionally, informal and sporadic communication among stakeholders from various sites meant common problems and their root causes were seldom addressed effectively. This lack of control and visibility was a concern for top management.

In short:

  • Lack of real-time visibility on production flow.
  • Difficulties in quickly locating product batches due to inconsistent naming conventions.
  • Irregular communication between sites, hindering the effective resolution of common issues.
  • A sense of lost control by the management.


To address these issues, OSICS Network established a cross-site project team with the goal of creating a recurring governance model focused on end-to-end supply chain topics for a specific product. The team developed a paper-based control tower at each site in the value chain through workshops and data collection. This control tower, updated daily, became a central feature in daily meetings. At a higher level, weekly sessions supported by agreed-upon KPIs were organized to facilitate discussion and problem escalation. Building on the success of the paper-based system, a digital control tower was subsequently designed and rolled out by OSICS Network, providing real-time data for daily site meetings and weekly leadership meetings.

In short:

  • Formation of an inter-site project team by OSICS Network, aiming to establish regular governance on supply chain topics.
  • Design and implementation of a paper-based control tower at each site, used for daily meetings.
  • Weekly higher-level sessions, based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), to facilitate discussions and problem escalation.
  • Development of a digital control tower providing real-time data, deployed across various sites.


The implementation of this system by OSICS Network significantly enhanced transparency and alignment among all value chain stakeholders. This focus on key challenges facilitated the identification and implementation of initiatives to address root causes. Real-time data access allowed for timely responses at both the shop floor and management levels, preventing the escalation of issues. Additionally, standardized reporting of KPIs and batch naming conventions enabled internal benchmarking and more straightforward reallocation of volumes across sites during disruptions.

In short:

  • Notable improvement in transparency and alignment among the supply chain stakeholders.
  • Real-time data access enabling quick and preventive reactions at all levels.
  • Standardized reporting of KPIs and harmonization of batch naming conventions, easing internal benchmarking and the reallocation of volumes in case of disruptions.

At OSICS Network, this project is a shining example of our commitment to delivering innovative solutions that drive efficiency and effectiveness in complex supply chain environments. Our expertise in navigating the intricacies of the pharmaceutical industry, coupled with our technological prowess, sets us apart as a leader in consulting services. We are dedicated to empowering businesses with the tools and insights needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

We invite you to explore the transformative impact that OSICS Network can have on your business. Whether it’s implementing cutting-edge digital solutions or redefining supply chain strategies, our team is ready to guide you through every step of the journey towards operational excellence. Contact us today to discover how we can tailor our services to meet your unique challenges and elevate your business to new heights.

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